Ennio Peres

Class 1945, Ennio Peres is from Milan, but lived most of his life in Rome. In order to describe his job he invented the definition "giocologo" (literally "gameologist"), meaning that he takes care of games, in particular mathematical games (he is a mathematician) and word games.
Great divulger and passionate speaker, he took care of many columns and  newspapers, wrote many books and is author of tv and radio games.
As a puzzle enthusiast, he loves especially anagrams and suggests every year a contest called Il cruciverba più difficile del mondo (The most difficult crosswordpuzzle in the world).
His friendship with studiogiochi stands since more than 20 years: he created for us several board games, and we also  get often chances to work together in different initiatives, due to a common passion and for the pure pleasure of spending time together.

Arch 2006.jpg

During Archimede 2006

Games (with studiogiochi)