Giuseppe Baù

In the world of games he is without any doubt a personality. Not always easy going, with an overflowing character, he plays any game, always and in any case.  From role-playing games to casino games, from puzzles and brainteasers to videogames, from the classic to the newest board games, up to the "progressive virtual count of the number plates seen in the streets". Undisciplined and  "politically more than incorrect", obstinate and always refusing to delegate: his friends of studiogiochi accept and love him the way he is: the one that played more games than any other.

This is how he describes himself:

"In the long descent from the plateau, I was born in year 1949 in the wonderful italian Marche region, but I immediately moved to Mestre and  shortly after to Venice. Long  school years made me move closer to Chess and Draughts. But I was not really too good playing these games, so I moved on to card games, especially typical venetian games. The first Burraco Tournament has been memorable: organized in Venice, when people  didn't know yet what it was. Faithful companion remained during all these passages the “mystic” [La settimana enigmistica, an important national weekly magazine with puzzels and all sorts of  games], that still follows me today. But since the first historical Monopoli, the passion for "boxes" kept growing. I met Alfonso Sara and so I fell in love with Backgammon. Together with De Toffoli & Co. I partecipated to the birth of the Backgammon City of Venice Tournament of which I was secretary for several years.  Thanks to me, DDT [Dario De Toffoli] created the “Player of the Year”  after one of the Italian Festival for Games in Gradara, which saw me at the first places in many tournaments. I take part to many different ludic events, from word games to festivals, basically anything I can find. I always take part to the "Spieltage" of Essen in Germany. My agonistic results  are not too exciting, but I am known as a fighter that never gives up.
The acquaintance and friendship with De Toffoli, Colovini, Randolph ended up with my active participation in Venice Connection and afterwards in studiogiochi. I dedicated myself to tests, and only in advanced age I realized a couple of games, perhaps interesting. My virus infects anybody around me: my wife graduated with a thesis about role-playing games".

Festival dei giochi 5.jpg

During the 5th Italian game Festival (1994)

