Some examples of game classification: Notes for a taxonomy

Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1988
pp. XVI - 282

Part of the book "Simulation-Gaming in Education and Training" by various authors 

Some examples of game classification: Notes for a taxonomy by Dario De Toffoli is an essay that forms part of the book "Simulation-Gaming in Education and Training" which reunites a series of essays by various authors, resuming the "International Simulation and Gaming Association's 18th Conference" that took place in Venice from 15 to 18 September 1987 at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura (IUAV).

Abstract: What are the motivations and the aims behind the interest in game taxonomy? What are the objectives we want to reach? By taking these questions and some possible answers as a starting point, systems and classification criteria, commonly used in the field of game, are considered and analyzed. The possible coexistence of various systems in a general structure which unifies and includes them all, is then examined. Many existing games taken as examples. To conclude, this article basically deals with some hypotheses which might be used to define a general taxonomy and which might also include the classification of existing games.