
October 2012: Egizia by Acchittocca (published by Hans im Glück) has once more a nomination at the MinD Spielpreis! The association Mensa in Deutschland assigned a prize to a game last year for the first time. This is their second year and it is again time for a voting. 


October 2012: Olympicards, the game by Paolo Mori, published by 999games and Giochi Uniti is in the stores!

studiogiochi will be part of the Event Ecorienteering in the city of Udine on the 6th of October 2012.

The pictures of the Premio Archimede 2012 are online!

UAAR presents "GIOCHI DI LOGICA e CIBO PER LA MENTE" with Dario De Toffoli, on September 18, at 5:30 pm, in Venice, at the venue of the association.

September 2012: Non c'è 2... senza 3!the game by Leo Colovini and Carlo A. Rossi, published  by Giovani nel Tempo  is in the stores! 


September 2012: the italian edition (Giovani nel Tempo) of  Verba volant, a game by  Ennio Peres, is in the stores!


Lego is Partner of the Premio Archimede by furnishing the pieces with which, during the life voting, the points of the finalist games will be counted.

Dario De Toffoli is the new Pentamind World Champion!

The list of the 66 games that made it to the final is online!

LONDON, University of London Union - 18-27 August 2012
The chronicles of the tournaments are online.

August 2012: I go!, the game by Leo Colovini, published by Fox Mind is in the stores! 


The 16th MSO (Mind Sport Olympiad) is coming at the University of London Union  18-22 August 2012!


July 2012: The multilingual edition (Competo) of Mord im Arosa, a game by Alessandro Zucchini, this time called Hotel Mystery, is in the stores!



July 2012: the german edition (Zoch) of  Schnapp's, a game by  Carlo A. Rossi, is in the stores!


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