

presented by

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A special area dedicated to many different tournaments offered by the organization and by many Associatiosn and Companies that joined the Carrara Show.

There has been used a continuos qualification formula created by studiogiochi; quailfications (max 8 players) of the different tournaments, went on continuously, as new players showed up; the winners of each qualification made it to the final, that was hold at a preannounced time.

Besides the new Think str8! (Huch! &friends), a brilliant deduction game by Leo Colovini, there was:
Ricochet Robot (Abacus) by Alex Randolph (
giant boardgame)
Fantasmi (Oliphante)
by Alex Randolph
Verba Volant (Giovani nel tempo)
by Ennio Peres
Non c'è 2 senza 3 (Giovani nel tempo)
by Leo Colovini and Carlo A. Rossi
Quarto! (Gigamic)
by Blaise Muller (giant boardgame)
Tayu (Oliphante)
by Niek Neuwahl (giant boardgame)
Rummikub (Ravensburger)
by Ephraim Hertzano
Indovina chi? cards (Cartamundi)
by Theo and Ora Coster
Pentago (Oliphante) di Tomas Flodén (giant boardgame)

One could also play the many Mind Sports Olympiad games and the Abstract Area ones... you could go crazy!

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The winners of Ricochet Robot (Abacus) by Alex Randolph (giant boardgame)

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Prima classificata di Think str8! (Huch! &friends) by Leo Colovini

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Second and third place in Think str8! (Huch! &friends) by Leo Colovini