

Concerning board games: we take care of the creative part, the developement and  the licensing of a new product.

Creation: the birth of an idea
The creative team of our company is led by Leo Colovini, one of the most important italian game authors, pupil of the great
Alex Randolph (the "Altmeister").
The “Cogito” group, Alex Zucchini, Carlo A. Rossi and Alfredo Berni, is
part of the team.
Also the other two partners of the company, Dario De Toffoli and Dario Zaccariotto, take part in these projects, when they have some free time.
Besides doing realizations of new games, we also work on projects presented to us by external authors, and we are always happy to welcome new brilliant authors in our team.

Developement: from the idea to the prototype
The realization of a product is always the result of team work, tests done by groups of different players (external and internal), and the collaboration with its author.
This is how many
rough but brilliant ideas are developed and organized in a professional way.
"agency" activity helped many non professional authors, especially italians,  to finally see their creations published and sold in the stores.
The developement of games is a service that we offer not only to non professional authors, but also to well known authors, that may find in our team a good  interlocutor with wich interchange opinions and realize a resultful collaborations. (go to: OUR AUTHORS)

Licencing: from the protoype to the stores
Once the idea is organized, once all the tests are successfully done and once the prototype is realized, the new game is shown to the most important national and international publishers. If they are interested, they buy the licence and publish the product in their country, for royalties.
We don't have exclusive contracts with any agency, even though we developed very good relations
with some of them.
In general we always try to offer each game to the editor that we figure is the best one for that specific game.
Our chance of success is about 65%: this means that 2 games out of 3 that we decide to work on, will be sold in the stores... and some of them get to become international hits!

Venice Connection: our story
Our adventure with board games has one of its cue dates in year 1995, with the birth of Venice Connection. Alex Randolph, Leo Colovini and Dario De Toffoli decided to ground a little company aiming the production of games, by having fun and trying not to lose money doing it! A crazy project, if one considers the italian market's conditions, but possible thanks to Gianfranco Fioretta who, with his Unicopli editions took care of the distribution. Unexpectedly things worked out well, and many other projects started to be realized.
After Randolph's death in 2004, the activities of Venice Connection were combined with studiogiochi, and at the same time Venice Connection Italia was born, a real publishing house that would take care of the italian market.
Venice Connection published not only the italian version of many of "our" games, but also took to Italy many international games as Passa la bomba by Piatnik or Carcassonne by Hans im Glück.
In year 2007 Venice Connection Italia, after joining the company Giochi Uniti, has been sold to Stupor Mundi.
Since then studiogiochi abanoned the commercial part of this area, concentrating its energies only on the creative aspects of the realization of new games.
Today Venice Connection is still a brand that we are proud of. You can still find its logo as a licensor in many international editions of our games.

Besides games
For publishers: we provide tests for new products, write rules,  promote games, organize tournaments and events.
Promotional games: we realize promotional games for companies, cultural organizations and museums.
Publisher products: in collaboration with the stores of Città del Sole, we realize every year the “Catalogue of board games”, which contains a selection of the best games (of each publisher) that are available on the national market.