Venice Connection
Venice Connection was born in 1995, when Alex Randolph, Leo Colovini and Dario De Toffoli decided to ground a little company to produce games, having fun and trying not to lose money doing it! A crazy project, if one considers the italian market's conditions, but possible thanks to Gianfranco Fioretta who, with his Unicopli editions took care of the distribution. Unexpectedly things worked out well, and many other projects started to be realized. After the first three published games (The Venice Connection, Verba Volant, Vermi) the choice of games increased and developed, and in 1999 the company won the Premio Gioco dell’Anno, and was awarded by the director of the jury Giampaolo Dossena. After Randolph's death in 2004, the activities of Venice Connection were combined with studiogiochi, and at the same time Venice Connection Italia was born, a real publishing house that would take care of the italian market.
Venice Connection published not only the italian version of many of "our" games, but also took to Italy many international games as
Passa la bomba by Piatnik and Carcassonne by Hans im Glück.
In year 2007 Venice Connection Italia, after joining the company Giochi Uniti, has been sold to Stupor Mundi, which keeps it alive and active. Since then studiogiochi abanoned the commercial part of this area, concentrating its energies only on the creative aspects of the realization of new games.
Games (with studiogiochi)
Books (with studiogiochi)