    • Spiel des Jahres 2000
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    • Deutscher Spiele Preis 2000
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    Carolus Magnus

    first edition

    Boardgamegeek Photogallery

    Carolus Magnus is a very particular game. First of all there isn't a real board to play on. You play on 15 cards that become progressively bigger and bigger regions. This system has been created in Nürnberg with coasters instead of cards!

    Carolus Magnus - il gioco.jpg
    The game

    The players don't have a specific color that indicates their role, as happens in a regular board game, but have to conquer their control playing the paladins of their court. Whoever owns more paladins of a specific color becomes the official owner of all the paladins in that color, also the paladins that are in the regions that have to be conquered. It is someone's own risk to add new paladins in the territory. The control of the colors is difficult to get and even harder to keep: it often happens that during one game the same color is controlled by different players during the many stages of the game.

    Your goal is to construct 10 castles (8 if you are three players). This is possible when the pawn Carolus Magnus arrives in a territory in wich the majority of the paladins is under your control. The way Carolus Magnus moves is a further strategy variable because it is connected to numbered tokens that define the order of the game: if you decide to play first, you have less choices to move.

    Click here to play online


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    The game
    2000, Winning Moves, Carolus Magnus
    Original edition.
    2000, Venice Connection, Carolus Magnus
    (Italiano Inglese Francese)
    2000, Rio Grande, Carolus Magnus
    (Inglese Francese Spagnolo)
    2000, Tilsit, Carolus Magnus
    (Francese Italiano Inglese)
    Venice Connection version distributed by Tilsit in the french spoken language Countries.