


The 2nd Focus Brain Trainer (the magazine that presents since more than four years very innovating and original brainteasers) Live Championship took place in Modena during the Event Play 2010, between the days 13-14 March 2010. More than 100 players coming from the hole country took part in it.


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The challanges (all on paper!) were to be solved in a limited given time; there were some of the favourite games of the magazine and also some new puzzles such as the Nordoku.
The Focus Brain Trainer
Live Championship 2010 winner was the young Emanuela Tocchetto; second place Moreno Massantini (third place in 2009) and third place Giovanni Ristori.

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In Modena the participants could meet members of the staff working for tha Focus Brain Trainer magazine, some authors of their favourite puzzles (among them Lucio Bigi - that also held the conference RaGiocare con l’enigmistica - Francesco Berardi, Adolfo Zanellati, Andrea Angiolino and Francesco Di Matteo) challenge other readers and prove their skills in logic and maths. Everybody recieved a participation certificate. The best players recieved also a trophy.

Challenge director: Dario Zaccariotto.
Mauro Gaffo, Dario De Toffoli, Giulia Franceschini.

At the top left of the page you may download all the results of the qualifications and the final challanges.

You can also find online a selection of the most important pictures; many thanks to Mauro Terzi, the photographer.

In number 36 of Focus Brain Trainer (May) you'll fuind all the challanges of the final.

Other members of the staff that helped out in checking the papers: Giovanni Rossi, Gabriele Simionato, Minigame, Albi, Bepi, Ita.