
At the "Festa del Torrone 2012" of Cremona, thet took place between the 16th and 18th of November (this year's theme “sweetness”), studiogiochi partecipated intertaining the crowd of the Piazza del Comune with many different games.

This year the participants have been really a lot (about 150.000 persons estimated during the 3 days!). The games of course had sweetness as main theme: for example, inspired by the game GIOCO DI NALA, the game COLPO D’OCCHIO AL TORRONE was showing to the “piazza” an image with many sweets and whoever was guessing the correct amount of sweets recieved as prize some real sweets. Great success for the DOLCE-MUSICHIERE: the goal was not only to find out the title of the song but also the word “sweet” in the exact moment in wich the music was stopped.

Here below an example of  COLPO D’OCCHIO AL TORRONE: look at the picture for about ten seconds and try to guess how many nougats there are.

Click here for the solution