

Also Cranio Creations, ThunderGryph and Game Factory is now supporting Premio Archimede 2018! Other publishers that are supporting us, as for now, are: 

999gamesAmigoAsmodeeCartamundiGiochi UnitiHans im GlückHuch! & friendsKosmosOliphantePiatnik, Pegasus, Queen games and Ravensburger.

So the final jury is now composed of:

• Dario De Toffoli (president)
• Gonzalo Aguirre Bisi (ThunderGryph, Spain)

• Michael Bruinsma (999 games, Netherlands)
• Bernd e Moritz Brunnhofer (Hans im Glück, Germania)
• Thomas Cauet (Asmodée, Francia)
• Stefano De Carolis (Giochi Uniti, Italy)
Silvio De Pecher (Tana dei Goblin, Italy) 
• Ulrich Fonrobert (Queen Games, Germany) 
Hermann Hutter (Huch! & friends, Germany)
• Simone Luciani (Cranio Creations)
• Wolfgang Lüdtke (Kosmos, Germany)
• Uwe Molter (Amigo, Germany)
• Klaus Ottmaier (Pegasus, Germany) 
• Philipp Sprick (Ravensburger, Germany)
• Dieter Strehl (Piatnik, Austria)
• Albrecht Werstein (Game Factory, Germany)

As in the past editions, there will be two separate juries.

• the selection jury will assign special awards, choose the games admitted to the final and choose the finalists.

• the final jury will vote in front of the public, during the final ceremony, deciding the winners of Premio Archimede.
Also card games will be judged separately by the final jury, with the help of Ileana Xodo from Cartamundi Italia and Luc Mertens, expert in card games. The winner will be awarded the Cartamundi Special Trophy. 

At the moment, selection jury is composed of:

• Leo Colovini (president)
• Giuseppe Baggio
• Dario Zaccariotto
• Umberto Rosin
• Federico Colovini
• Piero Modolo

Both juries will enjoy help and suggestions of F. Berger, F. Bortolato, G. Franceschini, C. Manfren, G. Marchesin, R. Nardo and other selected playtesters.