

On Saturday September 1st Leo Colovini presented the long-list at the City Toy Library of Udine, during the IdeaG Nord-Est Event.

This time the contest has seen the partecipation of 158 prototypes, a pretty big number! For this reason, the selection jury has decided to enlarge the long-list to 81 games. It has been really hard to decide which games could make it through the second step: many excluded games are still good enough, and the jury needed to play some several times, granting a more clear cut.
But not-selected authors should be sticking around: we await them (and everybody else, of course) at the final cerimony of Premio Archimede 2018, that will be held on September 
29th in Venice. It will be a precious day to share thoughts and experiences for both veterans and new entries of the game authors community! 

Below the list of games accessing the final of Premio Archimede 2018 (alphabetical order):

3 e 3 Agostino Recchia
Antropocene Ites Alberto Pitentino 2^B
Arsenal Carlo Rigo - Joshua Pellegrinotti
Astabeto Furio Ferri - Agostino Zara
Atoms in Action Gualtiero Grassucci e classe 3^ E Liceo Sc. G. B. Grassi
Barbanera Alberto Colombo
Behind Bars Stefan Schroder - Christian Braumuller - Fabio Franchini - Marcus Wagner - Bardhi Hysenaj - Besart Hysenaj
Beyon Francesco Carbone
Blood Race Carlo Rigon
Bononia Gabriele Bubola
Castori Teodoro Mitidieri
ClockWork Marco Guidara
Conclave X Felix Bernat Juliàn
Conestoga Walter Obert
Cuirm Claudio Oliviero - Serena Marina Marengo
Demodè Gastone Pietro Rosati Papini
Die Hanse Alessandro Saragosa
Diggin' Klondike Michele Bortolotti - Andrea Lasta
Digging Dwarves (Dragon's Lair) Alessandro Dentis
Domatori in confusione - Tamers in the Mess Carlo Camarotto
Dragons vs Castles Diego Allegrini
Eurotracks Francesco Frittelli
FeudaLink Marcello Bertocchi
Fuga con il Tesoro Lorenzo Amadio - Martina Tardivo
Full Metal Penguin Marco Guidara - Fabrizio Tronchin
Galaxia, l'Alba di una Nuova Luce Gualtiero Grassucci e classe 3^ E Liceo Sc. G. B. Grassi
Gondola Never Sink Hiroaki Ota
Happy Birthday Mauro Vettori
Heroes League Andrea Rughi
I Tesori del Tempo Francesco Calvi
Il Piccolo Regno Eric Orel
Islands Alessandro Saragosa
JAP Just Another Pirate Game Gian Andrea Cappuzzo
Klondike - La corsa verso la Ricchezza Maurizio Buso - Roberto Ortolan
Kreuzenfeld Ivan Gariboldi
Kubar Giuseppe Di Giovanni - Fabrizio Mattei
La casa dell’orrore Fabrizio Tronchin
La Piramide di Micerino Davide Zago
La Riffa delle Streghe Alessandro Morandini
Labora! Giovanni Franceschelli
Las siete maravillas Oscar Matias Michelan
Le 1001 Notte - I Costruttori di Baghdad Eric Orel
Le 5 Torri Agostino Recchia
Lettere di Marca Cielo d'Oro
Lokum Roger Brunet Espinoza - Maria Castellvi Barnes
Maleficent Marco Piola Caselli
Maluku Marco Pozzi
My House Daniele Giusto
Nagi Furio Ferri
Natural Born Lagos Ivan Gariboldi
Nebbia di Guerra Silvano Bianchini
News for Germany Tommaso Loss - Enrico Beraldo
Nimrod Alberto Menoncin
Nonoja Alessandro Castello - Giovanna Tomiello
Parole Primarie Davide Carcelli
Pecore Giovanni Pettinotti
Pentamo Rolph Haefelfinger
Per Fama e Gloria Maurizio Maddalena
Pollice Verso Pietro Vozzolo
Printing Tales Lorenzo Castelli
Qoobeland Alessandro Dentis
Remondini, ovvero i Mercanti di Stampe Proibite Maurizio Buso - Roberto Ortolan
Repubbliche Marinare Matteo Sassi
Scie Chimiche Mirko Baldicchi
Slim Green Fabrizio Mattei - Giuseppe Di Giovanni
Smart Shark Alessia Luca - Tino Dessi - Andrea Piano - Andrea Salidu
Spirits of Cripple Town Marco Cuoghi - Nicola Brunello
Spit Roc - Scala la Montagna Paolo Marino
Stonehenge Nestore Mangone
STOP Climate Change Liceo Scientifico G. Gandini 5^ G
Sunshine & Showers Gabriele Bubola
The Boogeyman Gabriele Bubola
The Mind Wizard Richard De Rijk
Too Late Antonio Scrittore
Triiisca Francesco Timo - Francesco Angileri
U.S. Vote Dry - Una Nazione di Delinquenti Geordie Cassamagnaga
Vocal Game Nazareno Signoretto
Volleycards Francesco Frittelli
We Pirates Bruno Sparpaglione - Climt Bosi - Roberto Fadigati
Wood Escape Nicola Zucca
Zoo David Zanotto